Organic seal comparison: meaning and differences

Luftschlangen, die das Wort Organic formen

In the world of food certifications, there are a variety of organic seals that represent different standards and practices. In this organic seal comparison, we take a look at the most common organic seals and explain what lies behind the labels.

What are organic labels?

Organic labels are certification marks that are placed on products to indicate that they have been produced in accordance with certain organic standards. These labels are particularly important in the food sector, but can also be applied to non-food products such as cosmetics and textiles .

For consumers, the organic seal according to the EC organic regulation offers reliable guidance when shopping. It guarantees that the products meet certain ecological standards and thus promotes a conscious consumer decision . For producers, the seal represents an important aspect of marketing and helps to build trust among consumers . The core aspects of organic seals include:

  1. Organic production: Organic seals guarantee that the products are manufactured in compliance with strict ecological guidelines. This includes the avoidance of chemical-synthetic pesticides and artificial fertilizers in agriculture.
  1. Appropriate animal husbandry: For animal products, organic seals guarantee higher standards for animal welfare. This includes, for example , more space for the animals, access to free-range farming and the avoidance of preventive use of antibiotics .
  1. Sustainability: Organic labels promote sustainable practices that help conserve resources such as water and soil and support biodiversity.
  1. Controlled origin: A key feature of the organic seal according to the EC organic regulation is the strict control system. Certified companies must undergo regular checks by independent control bodies . These checks include both planned and unannounced inspections . Transparency is ensured by the code number on the packaging , which provides information about the responsible control body.
  1. Health aspects: Organic products are free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and generally have fewer residues of pesticides and other chemical substances.
  1. Certification and control: Organic seals are awarded by recognized organizations that carry out regular checks to ensure that the specified standards are met.

In the EU, the EU organic seal is a commonly used certificate that sets uniform minimum standards for organic production in all member states. There are also national and private seals such as the German organic seal, Demeter, Bioland or Naturland, which have stricter criteria than the EU organic seal . But how do the individual organic seals differ from one another?

EU organic standard vs. cultivation association: organic label differences

The difference between the standards of cultivation associations and the EU organic standard lies primarily in the respective guidelines and requirements that they set for organic farming. We have summarized the main differences.

EU Eco-Standard: Ensuring uniform minimum standards

Organic label

  • General standards: The EU organic standard, also known as the EU organic regulation, sets general minimum standards for organic farming in the European Union.
  • Certification: Products that meet these standards are allowed to carry the EU organic seal. Certification is carried out by inspection bodies recognized by the EU.
  • Focus: The main requirements include the avoidance of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides , the restriction of genetic engineering and certain provisions on animal welfare and the sustainable management of land .
  • Transparency and control: The EU organic regulation attaches great importance to the traceability and transparency of the production chains.

Growers’ associations: Stricter requirements guarantee sustainability

  • Individual and stricter standards: Growers' associations set their own standards, often going beyond EU standards. These include stricter regulations on the use of fertilizers, pesticides, animal husbandry and feeding, and the general use of natural resources.
  • Philosophical and ethical principles: Many farming associations such as Demeter base their practices not only on scientific principles of organic farming, but also on certain philosophical or ethical beliefs.
  • Additional factors: In addition to ecological aspects, farming associations can also take into account social and economic factors, such as fair working conditions and regional economic cycles .
  • Membership and community guidelines: Certification by a growers' association often requires membership and compliance with community guidelines that go beyond mere product certification.

While the EU organic standard sets basic uniform standards for organic farming across the EU, growers' associations often offer more nuanced and stricter guidelines based on specific philosophical, ethical and environmental beliefs. For consumers, this means that products from growers' associations meet higher environmental and social standards than products that only meet the EU organic standard .

Which organic seals are there?

There are a variety of organic seals , each representing different standards and guidelines for ecological and sustainable production. We have taken a closer look at the most important organic seals:

1. EU organic label

This seal identifies products that meet EU standards for organic farming. Products that have an EU organic seal must meet the following requirements:

  • Organic farming: At least 95% of the ingredients of agricultural origin in the product must be organically produced. Organic farming excludes the use of chemical-synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  • Sustainable production processes: Production should be environmentally friendly. This means that sustainable practices and methods that protect soil, water and biodiversity must be used.
  • Animal welfare: Products of animal origin must comply with EU organic standards for animal welfare. This includes sufficient space to move around, access to outdoor areas and the use of organic feed.
  • Inspection and certification: To obtain the EU organic label, companies and their products must be inspected and certified by a recognized, independent certification body. These audits take place regularly to ensure that the standards are continuously met.
  • Labelling and traceability: Products must be clearly labelled and contain information about their origin and method of production. The EU organic logo must be visible and information about the location of agricultural production must be disclosed.
  • Restrictions on additives: There are strict regulations regarding the use of additives, processing aids and other non-agricultural ingredients. Only approved substances may be used in organic products.
  • Avoiding cross-contamination: A strict separation between organic and non-organic products must be ensured throughout the entire production and processing process. This avoids cross-contamination.

Good to know: The German organic seal is widely used as a voluntary symbol on organic products. It is up to the manufacturers whether they label their products with the EU organic seal or the German organic seal. Both guarantee that the requirements of the EU organic regulation have been met.

2. Demeter

The Demeter seal is one of the oldest and strictest labels for biodynamic agriculture and products. Here are the key aspects and standards of the Demeter seal:

History and background

Demeter was founded in the 1920s and is based on the biodynamic farming principles developed by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. The name "Demeter" refers to the Greek goddess of fertility and agriculture.

Biodynamic agriculture

At the heart of Demeter farming is a holistic and regenerative approach. This encompasses the farm as a closed system in which all elements - plants, animals, farmland and people - interact harmoniously . Demeter farmers use special biodynamic preparations made from herbs, minerals and cow manure to revitalize soil and plants.

Standards and certification

  • Strict guidelines: The Demeter standards are stricter than the usual organic standards. Among other things, they stipulate the avoidance of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides , promote biodiversity and require animal husbandry that is appropriate to the species.

Basket with fish-harvested carrots

  • Animal welfare: Demeter places great value on the well-being of animals. For example, preventive antibiotics and the dehorning of cattle are prohibited. The animals must also have access to pastures.
  • Certification process: To receive the Demeter seal, farmers and producers must go through a certification process that includes compliance with Demeter guidelines as well as regular inspections.

Sustainability and environmental awareness

  • Ecological footprint: Demeter practices aim to minimize the ecological footprint, increase soil fertility and support local biodiversity.
  • Climate protection: By promoting sustainable agricultural methods, Demeter makes a contribution to climate protection and the preservation of natural resources.

The Demeter seal represents one of the highest forms of sustainable and ethical agriculture and offers consumers a guarantee of quality and environmental awareness .

3. Organic

The Bioland seal stands for high ecological standards and sustainable, responsible agriculture . For consumers, the seal offers trustworthy guidance when purchasing organic food.

The Bioland seal is one of the leading labels for organic farming in Germany and stands for sustainable and environmentally friendly production methods. Here is the most important information about the Bioland seal and its standards:

History and Philosophy

Bioland was founded in Germany in 1971 and is now one of the largest organic farming associations in Germany. The seal is based on the principles of sustainability, nature conservation and the promotion of healthy, environmentally friendly agriculture.

Strict ecological standards

Bioland sets standards that in many areas exceed the legal requirements of the EU organic regulation. These include, among other things, the avoidance of chemical-synthetic pesticides and fertilizers as well as genetic engineering .

  • Animal welfare: The association attaches great importance to species-appropriate animal husbandry. This includes, among other things, sufficient space, natural feeding and the promotion of biodiversity.
  • Strict certification process: To receive the Bioland seal, farmers and producers must go through a strict certification process. This process includes regular checks and compliance with Bioland guidelines.

Sustainability and environmental protection

  • Soil fertility: Bioland promotes practices to maintain and improve soil fertility, such as crop rotation and the use of organic fertilizers.
  • Biodiversity: The protection of flora and fauna as well as the preservation of biodiversity are essential components of the Bioland philosophy.
  • Regional economic cycles: Bioland supports local and regional economic cycles and thus promotes short transport routes and fresh products.

3. Natureland

This seal covers not only food but also non-food products. Naturland combines ecological standards with social aspects such as fair working conditions.

The Naturland seal is a prestigious certificate for organic farming that is recognized worldwide. It represents high standards for sustainable agriculture, environmental protection and social responsibility. Here is the essential information about the Naturland seal and its standards:

History and Philosophy

Naturland was founded in Germany in 1982 and has developed into one of the leading international associations for organic farming. The seal stands for comprehensive organic farming, which, in addition to the production of high-quality food, also includes social responsibility and fair trade relations.

Standards and certification

  • Organic farming: Naturland guidelines require the avoidance of chemical-synthetic pesticides and fertilizers as well as genetic engineering. This goes beyond the requirements of the EU organic regulation.
  • Animal welfare: Naturland’s standards for animal husbandry emphasize species-appropriate conditions, healthy feeding and sufficient space for the animals.

Happy cows in the pasture

  • Social responsibility: What is unique about Naturland is the integration of social criteria such as fair working conditions, prohibition of child labor and fair trade relations.
  • Certification process: To receive the Naturland seal, farmers and producers must undergo extensive controls and audits to ensure compliance with Naturland standards.

Sustainability and environmental protection

  • Biodiversity: Naturland is actively committed to protecting biodiversity, both in agricultural production and in near-natural habitats.
  • Sustainable use of resources: The guidelines include sustainable water and land use to ensure long-term soil fertility and the availability of water resources.

The Naturland seal is a symbol of holistic, sustainable and socially responsible agriculture. It offers consumers the assurance that the products were not only produced ecologically, but also under fair conditions .

The seals mentioned help consumers to identify products that have been produced under fair, environmentally friendly and sustainable conditions. They vary in their specific requirements and focuses, but all offer a form of security for conscious consumers who value quality and ethical production.

Fairtrade and MSC: Additions to the organic seal comparison

In addition to the various organic seals, the Fairtrade and MSC ( Marine Stewardship Council ) seals also play an important role in sustainable and ethical product labeling. They complement the organic seal comparison by highlighting specific aspects such as fair trading conditions and sustainable fishing.

Fairtrade seal

The Fairtrade label focuses on promoting fair trading conditions . It aims to support small farmers and workers in developing countries by ensuring they receive fair prices and working conditions.

The main criteria include the payment of a minimum price that ensures sustainable production and an additional premium that is used for social, economic and environmental projects in the producers' communities.

While the Fairtrade seal is not exclusively focused on ecological criteria, many Fairtrade-certified products are also organically certified. This organization also places great value on transparency and traceability of products.

MSC seal

The MSC label is aimed at promoting sustainable fishing practices. It is intended to ensure that fish stocks are maintained and the marine ecosystem is protected . The criteria include the sustainability of fish stocks, the minimization of the environmental impact of fishing and effective fisheries management. The label is only awarded to fisheries that meet these standards.

Fisherman on the high seas

Good to know: Fairtrade and MSC are important additions to the spectrum of organic labels, as they address specific factors of sustainability and fairness that go beyond the purely ecological criteria of organic labels. While Fairtrade focuses on fair trading conditions and socio-economic aspects, the MSC label focuses on the ecological sustainability of fishing. Both labels help to enable consumers to make an informed choice that takes both ecological and social responsibility into account.

Conclusion: Organic seals in comparison

Organic seals such as the EU organic seal serve as a label for products that are produced according to strict ecological standards. Compared to other certifications such as Fairtrade, which focuses on fair trading conditions, or the MSC seal, which certifies sustainable fishing, the focus of organic seals is on environmentally friendly and chemical-free production in agriculture. This includes the avoidance of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers as well as genetically modified organisms.

Organic seals offer transparency with regard to origin and production methods and appeal to consumers who value environmental protection and natural ingredients. While Fairtrade and MSC address other important sustainability aspects, organic seals focus primarily on the ecological quality and sustainability of the products.

FAQ: Questions & Answers

What exactly does an organic seal mean?

An organic seal identifies products that have been produced according to specified ecological standards. These standards include the avoidance of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, the exclusion of genetic engineering and the promotion of sustainable cultivation methods.

What types of organic labels are there?

There are different types of organic seals. Well-known examples are the EU organic seal in Europe, the USDA organic seal in the USA and the Demeter seal for biodynamic products.

How do organic labels differ from other environmental or sustainability labels?

While organic labels specifically target organic farming and food production, other labels such as Fairtrade focus on social and economic aspects or, like the MSC label, on sustainable fishing. Organic labels primarily focus on environmentally friendly farming practices.

Are organic labels internationally recognized and comparable?

Organic labels are widely recognized internationally. However, the standards and criteria can vary from country to country. Some countries have agreements for the mutual recognition of their organic standards.

Why should consumers pay attention to organic labels?

Organic seals give consumers the assurance that the products they buy have been produced under environmentally friendly and sustainable conditions. They support conscious consumer decisions in the interests of environmental protection and health.

