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Car odor eliminator 500 ml, odor killer against stubborn odors in the car

Wellness for your car! Our odor eliminator against unpleasant smells in the interior.

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Volume advantages: 1 x car odor eliminator
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For fresh interior fragrance

Against unpleasant odors

For the cockpit, especially textiles

Das Problem

Conventional air fresheners havesynthetic fragrancesUnfortunately, despite the advertising promises, they are not able to neutralize bad smells. All they can do is remove the stench for a short time.coverIn addition, their chemical ingredients pose a threat to the environment, humans and their pets. If they get into the outside world, they are responsible for the decline in species in nature and pollute our groundwater.

Made in Germany

Made in a family-run factory in the Black Forest.

Good for the environment

Harmless ingredients without hazard symbols, easily biodegradable.

CO2-saving shipping

Short transport routes through local production and storage.

Unsere Lösung

Sustainable odor neutralizers such asEmma Green Odour Remover/Carwork with natural ingredients. They have the positive effect that they not only mask the smell, but effectivelyeliminate. This is achieved, for example, by zinc salts of ricinoleic acid. They act as odor absorbers and convert odor-producing molecules into odor-neutral ones. The positive effect: Unpleasant odors arecompletely neutralized without any harmful ingredientsor may not even arise.


Your new Emma Green car interior odor neutralizer penetrates deep into the fibers and works specifically against unpleasant odors such as nicotine, animal urine, animal exhalations, food odors and sweat. The Emma Green odor killer/car can be used in a variety of ways. Use it as an air freshener spray in the cockpit or use it as a neutralizer to eliminate unpleasant odors that have settled in textiles such as the headliner, seat upholstery or floor mats. Due to the natural ingredients, the spray is also suitable for neutralizing sweat odor in shoes. It is also biodegradable, which not only pleases us humans, but also makes Mother Nature shine.

Here’s how to use the air freshener:

1. Clear your car interior of rubbish and coarse dirt.
2. Then spray the areas to be treated evenly and allow to dry.
3. Done! The stench has disappeared and a subtle and constant spring freshness has taken its place.

By the way: As an air freshener for odorous vehicle interiors, three to four pumps that you distribute directly into the air are completely sufficient.

Wichtig: Please test material compatibility on a hidden area before applying to a large area. Keep away from children.

Inhaltsstoffe: Water, zinc salt of ricinoleic acid, alcohol, fragrances

Tschüss Chemie. Hallo Sauberkeit, Lederpflege & Wohlbefinden.

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Wir sind enorm stolz: Emma Grün ist für den Verkauf von Bio-Lebensmittel durch die Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH bio-zertifiziert (Kontrollstellen-Code: DE-ÖKO-007) Hier gibt's mehr dazu

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Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Rüdiger V.


Hartmut r.
Hundegeruch im Auto

Ich habe vor kurzem einen Gebrauchtwagen gekauft, leider mit deutlichem Hundegeruch. Ich habe mit dem Geruchskiller von Emma Grün den Koffferraum und die Rückbank dezent eingesprüht und am nächsten Tag war es schon deutlich besser, auch ein besserer Erfolg als mit dem zuvor ausgelegtem Kaffepulver, ich werde es jetzt am WE nochmal einsprühen und als nächstes versuchen den Zigarettengeruch aus unserem zweiten Auto zu vertreiben.
Ich bin froh, etwas biologisch abbaubares, wirksames gefunden zu haben.

Klaus R.
Eine Flasche ist kpl. Ausgelaufen!!

Schlechte Verpackung und eine von drei Flaschen ist kpl. Ausgelaufen!!!
Zeires Produkt sollte eine sichere Verpackung bekommen!!

Alexander R.

Funktioniert sehr gut

Tim B.

Geruchsentferner fürs Auto 500 ml, Geruchskiller gegen hartnäckige & unangenehme Gerüche im Auto


Unpleasant smells spoil our mood and are also dangerous for our health. They arise in different ways and are sometimes more persistent than we would like. Some people swear by regularly airing out the interior of their home. This is extremely sensible, but only makes sense in the short term when it comes to unpleasant stenches such as cat urine or dog smell, as well as nicotine stench and food smells that are firmly embedded in the home textiles, furniture, tile joints or car seat covers.


The way conventional fragrance sprays work is also the work of clever marketing strategists. They have learned their job from scratch and know how to get products out to people using moving images and clever sales slogans. Once we have bought something, many of us quickly realise that the product is useless. If we also take a look at the ingredients, we are confronted with the names of chemical substances that are certainly not good for the residents of a house and the environment. But how do we get rid of bad smells from cars and the like in the long term?


How do you remove unpleasant smells from your car?


To be honest, unpleasant smells don't just happen. There are various causes to blame that need to be addressed. But why is it that the interior of our car is occasionally filled with unpleasant smells?


1. Leftover food


Eating something quickly in the car on the way from A to B has become normal for many people in our hectic everyday lives. However, this habit can cause bad smells. Unsightly stains on the seat upholstery can also be the result of a small snack in between. To prevent this, you should always remove empty packaging from your car immediately. We also recommend that you clean your car interior regularly. You can get rid of unsightly dirt, stains and annoying smells with a sustainable cleaner such as theEmma Green Upholstery Cleanergone again in a flash.


2. The air conditioning


If the car starts to smell unpleasant, everyone quickly switches on the air conditioning. But why does the smell just get worse instead of disappearing? The culprit is bacteria, fungi and germs that have accumulated inside and are happily multiplying in the warm, humid depths of the system. There is only one thing that can help here: find an expert and have the air conditioning professionally cleaned.


3. Old air filters


Allergy sufferers swear by them: we're talking about air and pollen filters. People with pollen allergies are particularly happy about them in spring, when everything outside starts to bloom. Because they ensure a pleasant exchange of air in the car interior without watery eyes and a runny nose. However, if the filters are clogged, the opposite is the case. Instead of fresh air, it suddenly smells musty. A sign of moisture. Truly a scent that no one wants to surround themselves with. Once the stench is omnipresent, it's not that easy to get rid of the stench. That's why it's advisable to have your air filters changed regularly. This not only prevents unpleasant smells, but also prevents moisture and, in the worst case, mold from forming in the interior of your car.


4. Stale nicotine smell


If you want to remove the lingering nicotine smell from a smoker's car, you have no choice but to give the entire interior, including the upholstery and trunk, a general cleaning. Here, too, you can use sustainable cleaners such as theEmma Green Nicotine Removerand theEmma Green Odour Neutraliser/CarTo fall back on.


5. Dog smell


If you often take your four-legged friend with you in the car, it is quite normal that your car reflects the smell of your beloved four-legged friend. The only thing that helps against this is cleanliness! Accordingly, you must regularly remove dirt and animal hair from the interior and clean the seat upholstery at certain intervals using theEmma Green Upholstery CleanerFinally, spray the car interior with a sustainable odor neutralizer. We recommend theCar Odor Remover by Emma GrünGood tip: Do you go on long walks with your four-legged friend in all weathers? Then you should dry him off thoroughly with a special absorbent dog towel before you let him get back into the car. This way you can reduce moisture and the unpleasant smell that wet dog fur gives off in advance.


How do odor neutralizers work?


One thing is clear: the well-known air fresheners or synthetic fragrance sprays only cover up the smell and also pose health risks due to their ingredients. The fact is: you can save your money because they don't do what they promise! The better alternative is sustainable odor neutralizers. They work with the help of microorganisms that fight the problem at its source and don't just cover it up for a short time. If you spray the sustainable odor neutralizer on textiles that smell of cat urine and dog odor, the organisms break down all the organic causes that are responsible for the unpleasant odors.


Baking soda also has the excellent property of neutralizing odors. This household remedy neutralizes organic acids and inhibits the proliferation of bacteria. This means that odors cannot develop in the first place and unpleasant stench is a thing of the past.


Also zinc salts of ricinoleic acid as found inEmma Green Air Freshener/Carare perfect for binding odor molecules. Zinc ricinoleate has long been known as an odor-binding substance. The salts act as odor absorbers and ensure that odors are not simply masked. They convert odor-producing molecules into odor-neutral ones. The result: disgusting smells are completely neutralized. And the best thing about it: they are effective and completely harmless to the environment, people and their pets!