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Upholstery cleaner 500 ml, against stubborn stains & odors, for sofas & seats

Auch bei Fett- & Rotweinflecken
  • Porentiefe Reinigung: Entfernt hartnäckige Flecken auf Polstern, Teppichen & Autositzen.
  • Multifunktional: Ideal für Sofas, Teppiche, Matratzen und Autositze.
  • Nachhaltig: Hergestellt in Deutschland, verpackt in einer Rezyklat-Flasche.
Sale price€19,95 Regular price€21,95(€39,90/l)
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Volume advantages: 500 ml
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Upholstery cleaner 500 ml, against stubborn stains & odors, for sofas & seats Sale price€19,95 Regular price€21,95(€39,90/l)
Volume advantages: 500 ml

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Hilft bei

Verschmutzungen, Fett, Kaffee, Rotweinflecken


Sofas, Couches, Autositze, Teppiche, Matratzen, Läufer, Bezüge


Alle Textile (auch Kunstfaser, Wolle & Mikrofaser)


Porentiefe Reinigung, Fleckenentfernung, Nadelduft




Bekannt aus

Problem & Lösung

Herkömmliche Polsterreiniger enthalten oft aggressive Chemikalien, die Farben und Fasern schädigen können und unangenehme Gerüche hinterlassen.

Emma Grün® Polsterreiniger bietet eine nachhaltige Alternative mit natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen. Er reinigt porentief, entfernt hartnäckige Flecken und ist universell einsetzbar.

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The stain must go:
1. Clean the area of ​​dust and dirt beforehand.
2. Spray the stain from about 10 centimeters away.
3. Then you need to gently work the cleaner in using a brush, sponge or cloth.
4. After the product has taken effect, take a damp cloth and rub.
5. For stubborn stains, repeat the process.

Complete cleaning:
1. First, remove dust and dirt from the object to be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner.
2. Spray your upholstery generously with the sofa cleaner.
3. Carefully clean the entire surface with the washable cleaning brush provided.
4. Then rub with a damp cloth.
5. Even if you are cleaning a large area, you may have to repeat the process if there is heavy dirt.

Häufige Fragen

Gründer aus Überzeugung

Geboren wurde Emma Grün aus dem Gedanken "Das muss doch nachhaltiger gehen..." und der Rückbesinnung auf alte Hausmittel wie Zuckertenside, ätherische Öle und Bienenwachs.

Der Markenname steht für den Tante Emma Laden mit den ehrlichen Produkten am Eck. Emma Grün ist dabei das Pseudonym für Louis' Oma, die sinnbildlich für unser aller Omas steht, aber namentlich nicht "da irgendwo im Internet" auftauchen will. Ihr markanter Kopf ist trotzdem überall durch unser Logo.😉💚

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Customer Reviews

Based on 81 reviews
Sabrina H.
Absolut super!

Habe schon vergeblich versucht mit günstigen Drogerie-Reinigern die Flecken auf unserem Sofa zu beseitigen. Mit dem Polsterreiniger von Emma Grün ging es unfassbar schnell, die Flecken sind ohne große Mühe weg und zudem hat das Produkt einen sauberen und dezenten Geruch. Einfach toll und empfehlenswert!!!

Christa R.

Ich habe das Produkt bei sehr hartnäckigen Flecken auf Velour ausprobiert. Sie sind sehr gut rausgegangen, hervorragendes Ergebnis! Klare Kaufempfehlung.

Aloisia S.
toller Reiniger

ein toller Reiniger für unsere alten Sessel und den kleinen Teppich. Sie erstrahlen in neuem Glanz. Die alten Flecken sind weg. Herzlichen Dank und viele Grüße an das Team von Emma Grün.

Andreas N.

Ich habe noch keine Lieferung erhalten.

Manfred N.
Teppich - und Polsterreiniger

Bin mit dem Produkt sehr zufrieden ! M.N.

Cleaning upholstered furniture: What kind of stains make our lives difficult?


There is no arguing about one thing: stains of all kinds are annoying! It is even more annoying if you have the wrong stain remover on hand, which actually only makes the problem worse instead of effectively removing it. This is not surprising: every stain has to be treated differently. But don't worry: with the textile cleaner from Emma Grün you have already found the perfect cleaner for various stains. With the following tips you can effectively treat the different types of stains with tried and tested household remedies.


All types of stains have different structures and must be treated accordingly. They are divided into the following:

  • Protein-containing
  • Fatty
  • Pigmented
  • Bleachable
  • Special stains


It is therefore advisable to treat grease stains with surfactants. For red wine stains, however, oxygen helps. The right immediate measures also vary. If you have the opportunity to act immediately, you should remove protein stains with cold water and fatty ones with soap and warm water. As you can see, every stain must be treated differently so that it disappears forever. The following types of stains are the most common:


Red wine stains

How quickly it can happen: a moment of carelessness and the good drippings spread across the sofa or carpet. Most of us instinctively try to get the stain out again in no time with water and a little soap. Unfortunately, this only makes the problem worse. With a stain remover spray like the one from Emma Grün, the stain is gone in no time. If you prefer a dry method, you can use cornstarch. And this is how it works: sprinkle the stain, leave it to soak until the flour has absorbed the red wine and then vacuum it up.


Grease stains

Grease stains can be easily wiped away on smooth surfaces. However, this is not the case on upholstered furniture and other home textiles. Textile cleaners that contain surfactants are suitable for this. Potato starch can also remove grease stains. Simply sprinkle some flour on the affected area, allow it to take effect and then brush it off.


Mildew stains

So-called mildew stains are moisture damage caused by mold. They leave a yellowish-brown discoloration on home textiles and look really unsightly. They can be removed with special stain removers that contain washing soda.


Ballpoint pen stains

This misfortune can happen quicker than we would like. They are extremely stubborn and are best removed with a cleaner that contains solvents in the form of paint particle removers.


Blood & coffee stains

Fresh coffee and blood stains can be removed easily and efficiently with baking powder. The propellant literally absorbs the stain and makes it disappear as if by magic. Dried stains on textiles are a bit more stubborn. But chemicals are not necessary. Stain removers that contain ingredients such as washing soda, such as those found in Emma Grün's premium upholstery cleaner, remove these types of stains effectively and permanently.


Wax stains

Wax stains are one of the fatty types. Stain removers that contain surfactants and solvents break down the fats, making the stain easier to remove.


How do unpleasant smells arise in cars and living spaces and how do you get rid of them?


Normally, most people clean their upholstered furniture superficially every week. Dust, crumbs and dirt particles are removed with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth and the living space is restored to its former glory in no time. The problem: Unfortunately, this effect is only short-lived and the unpleasant smell that is hidden deep in the upholstery spreads back into the living space.


Odors arise in different ways. Some penetrate the fabric through the air, as is the case with kitchen odors or cigarette smells, for example. Others are caused by dirt particles and substances that come from pets, spilled liquids and food, and sweat. Bacteria are always responsible, which multiply and produce the unpleasant stench. Simply vacuuming it quickly is not enough.


However, conventional cleaning products only combat the problem on the surface and not in depth. They cover up the bad smell with artificial fragrances that do their job for a few hours but ultimately have no effect at all. In order to effectively remove odors from upholstery or carpets, a few steps are required. In most cases, you can resort to various household remedies. Sustainable upholstery cleaners such as the textile cleaner from Emma Grün, which is a real powerhouse thanks to its ingredients, are also suitable as effective odor killers. These household remedies and natural textile cleaners work effectively against odors:


Baking soda

Baking soda is suitable for odors caused by acids. The alkaline agent has the property of neutralizing acids and making unpleasant odors disappear. For perfect effectiveness, spread around 200 grams of baking soda powder on the sofa, armchair or car seats and leave to work for a few hours. Then vacuum up the powder thoroughly.


Vinegar water

Vinegar has a disinfecting effect and naturally eliminates bacteria and germs. This household remedy is particularly suitable for combating kitchen smells, sweat or nicotine stench. To effectively remove smells like these from upholstered furniture, the vinegar mixture of one part water and two parts vinegar should be mixed in a spray bottle and sprayed over a large area of ​​the upholstery to be treated. A soft cloth is suitable for materials such as leather. Simply apply some of the mixture and rub the couch, armchair or car seats. No follow-up treatment is necessary. Important: Vinegar can attack sensitive materials. Before treatment, it is therefore a good idea to carry out a material test on an inconspicuous area.


Rose water

Rose water binds odors. For optimal effect, pour the natural scented water into a spray bottle, spray the upholstery and leave to work and dry overnight. The next morning, all fumes will have disappeared and your upholstered furniture will exude an unobtrusive and homely scent.


Upholstery cleaner spray

Textile cleaners in spray form, such as the upholstery cleaner from Emma Grün, can be used in a variety of ways. They bind unpleasant odors with their high-quality ingredients such as washing soda, green surfactants and wool wax. Natural fragrances such as a subtle pine scent also ensure a pleasant living environment. And the best thing about them: They work without chemicals and are therefore good for the environment, people and their pets.


Steam cleaning

Stubborn odors can be removed with a steam cleaner. It is similar to a vacuum cleaner in terms of handling and cleans without chemical additives.

Good tip: If you don't want to buy a steam cleaner straight away, you can rent one from a qualified hardware store. These devices are not suitable for cleaning leather.