Carpet cleaner 500 ml, against stains & odors, for all carpets

Flecken & Gerüche im Griff
  • Flecken: Entfernt Rotwein, Kaffee & Haustierflecken mühelos.
  • Natürlich: Nutzt Saponine aus Panamarinde für frische Farben.
  • Tierfreundlich: Schonend zu empfindlichen Fasern und haustierfreundlich.
Sale price€20,95 Regular price€22,95(€4,19/100ml)
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Volume advantages: 1 x carpet cleaner
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Carpet cleaner 500 ml, against stains & odors, for all carpets Sale price€20,95 Regular price€22,95(€4,19/100ml)
Volume advantages: 1 x carpet cleaner

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Teppiche sind oft von hartnäckigen Flecken und unangenehmen Gerüchen befallen.

Der Emma Grün Teppichreiniger mit Panamarinde entfernt Schmutz und neutralisiert Gerüche, für eine frische, farbintensive Reinigung – nachhaltig und schonend.

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Spray carpet foam directly onto the carpet and work it in with a brush. To remove dirt, either rinse it out (by hand or with a wet vacuum cleaner) or vacuum it up. Done. Repeat if it is very dirty.

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Gründer aus Überzeugung

Geboren wurde Emma Grün aus dem Gedanken "Das muss doch nachhaltiger gehen..." und der Rückbesinnung auf alte Hausmittel wie Zuckertenside, ätherische Öle und Bienenwachs.

Der Markenname steht für den Tante Emma Laden mit den ehrlichen Produkten am Eck. Emma Grün ist dabei das Pseudonym für Louis' Oma, die sinnbildlich für unser aller Omas steht, aber namentlich nicht "da irgendwo im Internet" auftauchen will. Ihr markanter Kopf ist trotzdem überall durch unser Logo.😉💚

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Tatiana E.

Teppichreiniger 500 ml, gegen Flecken & Gerüche, für alle Teppiche

Iris T.
Keine Ware erhalten!

Bis einschl. heute (18.05.24) ist kein Paket angekommen!!!

Herbert D.
Gutes Produkt

Das Produkt ist gut und reinigt sehr gut. Die Anleitung könnte um einiges besser und hilfreicher sein. Man darf am Anfang nicht zu viel Reiniger aufsprühen.

Marion R.
Alles perfekt

Ich habe Panamarindeteppichreiniger und Bürste bestellt. Sofort ausprobiert. Es war so beeindruckend, dass ich 3 Stunden auf meinen Teppichen herumgerutscht bin und nur gereinigt habe. Extrem super und zu empfehlen.

Roswitha A.
Emma Grün für Polster

Kann dieses Mittel nur empfehlen, bin begeistert! Bei Flecken nur noch Emma Grün

As beautiful as carpets are, to maintain their appearance and keep the carpet hygienic and clean, they need to be cleaned regularly. But don't panic! With the right carpet cleaner or the right household products, cleaning is quicker than you think. In the following guide, you will find out how often you should clean your carpet, what you need for it and the best way to go about it.


How often should you clean a carpet?

Carpets that are subject to heavy wear and tear should be cleaned of coarse dirt with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week. Of course, this tip should be considered on an individual basis. If there are small children in the house and pets live under the same roof with you, you may quickly find yourself having to use a vacuum cleaner several times a week. It is important that dirt and stains are removed immediately. This way they cannot take hold in the first place, which makes cleaning much easier afterwards. You should clean carpets twice a year. It is best to carry out this ritual in summer and winter.


Cleaning carpets: What options are there?

There are the following options for deep cleaning carpets:


  1. Wet cleaning with a sustainable carpet cleaner

With this method, carpet cleaner is sprayed on and worked into the fabric with a brush. Once the carpet is dry again, all residues are vacuumed away.


  1. Wet cleaning using shampooing devices

This alternative involves spraying a liquid carpet cleaner onto the carpet under high pressure.


  1. Cleaning with a steam cleaner

This type of deep cleaning uses steam to loosen grease and dirt and then soak it up in a special cloth in the same step. This method is mainly suitable for short-pile carpets.

To ensure that your carpet looks like new again after cleaning, you should consider the following things:

  • After wet cleaning, you should not walk on the carpet for about 24 hours. Make sure that it is completely dry.
  • The room in which the carpet is located should be well ventilated.
  • The vacuum cleaner nozzle must be cleaned again and again during vacuuming.
  • Wait two to three days before placing heavy objects or furniture back on the cleaned carpet.


Cleaning carpets: Home remedies for removing stains

Everyone knows this situation: After a stressful day, you're relaxing on the sofa with a snack or tasty comfort food and suddenly something falls and leaves an annoying stain on the carpet. If you tackle the problem immediately, the problem can be quickly dealt with. The following 5 home remedies have proven particularly effective:

  1. Ice cubes against chocolate stains:Chocolate leaves stubborn stains. If you rub it with an ice cube, the chocolate will freeze and be easier to remove from the carpet.
  2. Baking soda & baking powder against coffee stains:Coffee stains are not easy to deal with. With one of the two propellants, you can get this problem under control again. Simply spread some baking powder or bicarbonate of soda on the area where the stain occurred, work the agent into the fabric with a brush and then spray the area with hot water. After a few minutes, you can remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner and the stain will be gone.
  3. Remove wax stains with blotting paper:Wax is one of the toughest stains to remove. However, with a regular blotting paper draped over the contaminated area and an iron gliding over the paper, this stain will be gone in just a few seconds.
  4. Remove fresh stains with sparkling water:You can remove food stains with carbonated mineral water. Simply sprinkle some water on the contaminated area and after about 15 minutes, use a clean cloth to remove all residue from the carpet pile.
  5. Lemon juice for light floor coverings:If you have a dark stain on your light carpet, you should take advantage of the bleaching effect of lemon. It's really easy to do. Drizzle a little juice onto the stain and work the area with a clean cloth until the stain has disappeared. Finally, clean with a little mineral water.


Cleaning deep pile carpets: How to get these types of carpets clean again

The shops have carpets made of a wide variety of materials available for you. Some materials are more sensitive or harder to clean than others. Deep pile and long pile carpets are among the types that require a lot of time to clean and care for. To ensure that a carpet like this still looks great after a few years, you should repeat the following steps at least every three months.

Step 1:Before you start cleaning, you need to comb through the pile of these carpets with a wide-toothed comb. This will prevent knots from forming, which will negatively affect the appearance.

Step 2:The carpet must then be cleaned of all dirt. This is not so easy, as dust, crumbs and other dirt tend to collect in the fibers of these carpets. The best way to do this is to use a vacuum cleaner and then beat the textile floor covering out in the fresh air.

Step 3:Now it's time to remove stains. We recommend using a natural cleaning foam like the carpet cleaner from Emma Grün. This will not only get any kind of stain under control without damaging the material and colors of your carpet, but will also eliminate unpleasant odors at the same time. It's child's play to use: simply apply, work in and finally remove all residues with the vacuum cleaner.

Step 4:Allow the carpet to dry completely.


Panama bark: Why this wood is suitable for cleaning carpets

Panama bark, also known as soap bark or soap wood, comes from the soap bark tree, which is native to Chile. When the bark of the tree is brought into contact with water, the saponins it contains create a soap-like foam that has a strong yet gentle cleaning power.

Saponins are extracted exclusively from plants and are classified as non-ionic surfactants. In order to obtain the natural product for the production of shampoos, mild detergents and stain removers, the bark is finely crushed and extracted several times with hot water. Due to the excellent cleaning results and perfect environmental compatibility, Panama bark is increasingly used as a powerful ingredient in sustainable carpet cleaners.