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Premium shoe wax colorless 100 ml, for natural protection, with beeswax

Wellness for your shoes! Our shoe wax with beeswax for natural protection.

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For leather shoes & boots

Against moisture & dirt

For all smooth shoes

Das Problem

Your shoes are exposed to countless stresses every day. They take us from A to B and are subjected to extreme stress in hot situations and in mud and wet conditions. If they are then treated with the wrong product,, the material suffersandbreaks. Synthetically produced shoe polish, which is made from resins, acids and solvents, usually has the opposite effect and does not exactly set an example in terms of sustainability.

Made in Germany

Made in a family-run factory in the Black Forest.

Good for the environment

Harmless ingredients without hazard symbols, easily biodegradable.

CO2-saving shipping

Short transport routes through local production and storage.

Unsere Lösung

The fact is: Our shoes go with us through thick and thin in every season and have to pass a number of tests. This is exactly why they need attention and the right care! The highly effectiveLeather wax by Emma Grünworks with natural beeswax and is the environmentally friendly alternative to conventional shoe care. Itmaintainsandimpregnatedat the same time, without clogging the tiny pores of leather shoes. This allows the natural material to breathe, but is still protected from wind and weather. In additionrefreshesThe nourishing, colorless wax picks up the colors of your shoes in a natural way, without plastering them with color pigments added from outside. The result: the material of your leather shoes is protected, soft and supple, and cracks and unsightly discoloration are a thing of the past!


To make your shoes shine again, we have the perfect treatment option for you: Emma Grün shoe wax with high-quality beeswax. This natural product is a timeless classic in leather shoe care. It has a preventative effect and helps you avoid future fading, brittleness and unsightly cracks.
Even worn materials will shine with new splendor with Emma Grün's colorless leather shoe grease. The nourishing wax makes your leather supple and more resilient. It freshens up faded colors and seals the leather surface with the help of beeswax. And all this without clogging the tiny pores. The result will convince you. Here's how to do it:

1. Remove any coarse dirt from the leather.
2. Apply the wax in a very thin layer using the sponge provided.
3. Done! Since the shine appears on its own after it has been applied and dried, you don't have to polish it again.

Important: Please do not use the wax on nubuck, suede, Alcantara, suede or rough leather!

Wichtig: Please test material compatibility on a hidden area before applying to a large area. Keep away from children.

Inhaltsstoffe: Wool wax, high-quality beeswax, technical wax, perfume

Tschüss Chemie. Hallo Sauberkeit, Lederpflege & Wohlbefinden.

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Wir sind enorm stolz: Emma Grün ist für den Verkauf von Bio-Lebensmittel durch die Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH bio-zertifiziert (Kontrollstellen-Code: DE-ÖKO-007) Hier gibt's mehr dazu

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Geboren wurde Emma Grün aus dem Gedanken "Das muss doch nachhaltiger gehen..." und der Rückbesinnung auf alte Hausmittel wie Zuckertenside, ätherische Öle und Bienenwachs für Pflege und Reinigung.

Der Markenname steht für den Tante Emma Laden mit den ehrlichen Produkten am Eck. Emma Grün ist dabei das Pseudonym für Louis' Oma, die sinnbildlich für unser aller Omas steht, aber namentlich nicht "da irgendwo im Internet" auftauchen will. Ihr markanter Kopf ist trotzdem überall durch unser Logo.😉💚

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Customer Reviews

Based on 70 reviews
Oliver B.
Alle Super

Schnelle Lieferung - Top PRODUKT - kann man nur empfehlen

Stefan E.
Perfekt für Berg- und Wanderschuhe!

Genau was ich gesucht habe für meine ledernen Berg- und Wanderschuhe, sehen nach dem Auftragen wie neu aus!Und das Beste ist, man kann guten Gewissens in die Natur gehen ohne sich dabei Gedanken machen zu müssen über bedenkliche chemische Inhaltsstoffe.Außerdem finde ich persönlich die Produktion in Deutschland unterstützenswert, da die kürzeren Lieferwege gleichzeitig der Umwelt zugute kommen.

Isabell I.

Tolles Produkt, hält was es verspricht, ich empfehle es gerne weiter.Was mir auch noch gut gefällt ist der ökologische Aspekt.

Reinhold G.

sehr gutes Schuhwachs, geruchlos und problemlos in der Anwendung.

Sabrina W.
Tolles Produkt!!

Bin begeistert von dem Bienenwachs, hab es bei den Lederschuhen meiner Tochter ausprobiert, sehen aus wie neu!! Der Geruch ist angenehm....Würde ich wieder kaufen!


In order for leather to retain its natural beauty, it must be cared for regularly. If the natural material dries out, it becomes hard and brittle. Unsightly cracks and breaks are the annoying result. To prevent this from happening and to prevent the appearance from suffering due to various influences, we must protect the material from moisture and dirt. The shoe care leather wax meets all the requirements: It protects your shoes from dirt and moisture and provides comprehensive care with the help of natural beeswax. It doesn't get any better than this! But what is better for your worn leather and imitation leather shoes?


Shoe wax vs. shoe polish: what’s the difference?


At first glance, the two leather care products differ in their consistency. Shoe polish is comparable to a face cream and shoe wax resembles hard butter.


Shoe polish:

Due to its consistency, leather grease can penetrate deeper into the leather and nourish and care for it with caring ingredients. Shoe polish also ensures optimal color refreshment. It gives the leather a minimal shine, but does not protect it from moisture and dirt to the same extent as wax.


Shoe wax:

Shoe wax only works on the top layer of the material. Due to its consistency, it cannot penetrate as deeply into the leather as a cream. However, it protects your leather shoes from moisture, humidity and dirt particles.


Our tip: To ensure that your shoes have everything they need, it is a good idea to first clean them with theEmma Green Shoe Polish colorlessor the leather lotion and then impregnate with our shoe wax with beeswax. They work in a natural way and are a team that complements each other perfectly.


Leather care shoes: 8 tips to make your shoes last longer!


Of course, high-quality shoes last longer than cheap models. However, without proper handling and perfect care, the lifespan of well-made shoes is also limited. With the following tips, you'll be on the safe side and do yourself and your favorite shoes a huge favor:


1. How to put on and take off correctly


Proper handling also determines how long you can enjoy your shoes. For example, if you put the shoe on or take it off incorrectly, the back part of the leather shoe can become loose or, in the worst case, even break. For this reason, it is advisable to always use a shoehorn when putting the shoe on and to use both hands when taking it off, instead of standing on the back of the shoe so that you can slip it off without bending down.


2. Take regular breaks from carrying


By changing your shoes regularly, you give your favorite shoes a break. This doesn't mean that you should not look at them for weeks. Allow them to recover from the stresses of everyday life for a day. This gives them time to dry from the inside. They will thank you, especially after a strenuous day in wind and weather. Good tip: During this time, equip them with a suitable shoe tree made of cedar wood. It ensures that your shoes do not become deformed and can dry better thanks to the untreated natural material.


3. The leather soles also need care


It is not just the upper leather that needs protection and care. The soles of the shoes, which have to serve as a buffer between the feet and the floor covering, must not be forgotten either. Pamper the soles regularly with a sustainable leather oil or theEmma Green Leather Grease colorless/ Shoes. It ensures that the most stressed part of your shoes stays supple and is less likely to break or tear.


4. Care before first wear


Even brand new leather shoes need to be given the attention they deserve. That's why you should waterproof them immediately after purchase. The best way to do this is with a sustainable leather wax like that from Emma Grün. The natural beeswax it contains ensures that your leather shoes are protected from all weather influences and are also cared for.


5. Proper storage


Leather shoes do not belong in a closed shoe box or in a plastic bag: the natural material cannot breathe there. Instead, you should give them a place where the air can circulate optimally. They also have no place near heat sources such as under the radiator. The material will only dry out unnecessarily, which will result in unsightly cracks.


6. Clean regularly


Depending on how often shoes are worn, the more often they need to be cleaned. Especially if there is a noticeable amount of dirt on the upper leather or on the soles, the right cleaning agent should be used after removing the coarse dirt, such asLeather cleaner by Emma GrünOnce dirt has become stubborn, it attacks the upper leather. Unattractive stains and water marks are the result.


7. Use the right leather care product


So that every leather shoe can benefit from the perfect treatment, the type of leather must be the focus when choosing the right care product. In terms of the right care, the different types are divided into suede (suede and suede) and smooth leather. Both types of leather require different treatment. Smooth leather is easier to handle and can be treated with lotions, creams and waxes. Suede, on the other hand, is the most sensitive of the leather types: it does not like this type of care at all. Velvety nubuck leather and the like require care using special leather brushes and leather sprays so that they last a lifetime.


8. Use high-quality care products without chemicals


Would you put a cream on your skin that had ingredients like microplastics, synthetic waxes and chemical solvents listed on the back of the packaging? We don't think so. So why should you treat your favorite leather shoes with products like these? It doesn't really make sense. For this reason, it is advisable to pay attention to sustainable quality in your leather care products. Emma Grün produces environmentally friendly products with the highest level of effectiveness. We only use household remedies like in grandma's day. This guarantees that your leather shoes will receive the all-round care they have longed for.