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Universal descaler 750 ml for fully automatic coffee machines, natural liquid descaler

The cleaning sensation for all coffee machines! Our natural liquid descaler.

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For long-lasting machine performance

Against limescale deposits

Suitable for all coffee machines

Das Problem

Limescale deposits are not only a big problem visually. If nothing is done about the consequences of hard water, limescale literally eats into the various materials andaffects the functionalityof technical devices. Calcified coffee machines and kettles also affect theTaste experiencewhen enjoying coffee and tea. But that is not all: Thelifespanof coffee machines, household appliances as well as kitchen and bathroom fittings is shortened many times over.

The fact is: If nothing is done about this problem, in the foreseeable futureexpensive repairsIn the worst case, new devices have to be purchased, which can also put a strain on the bank account. Since calcified electrical devices take longer to heat up, thePower consumptiondriven up.

Made in Germany

Made in a family-run factory in the Black Forest.

Good for the environment

Harmless ingredients, suitable for all coffee machines.

CO2-saving shipping

Short transport routes through local production and storage.

Unsere Lösung

With theenvironmentally friendly universal descalerby Emma Grün you tackle limescale in a sustainable way. Because you will not find any questionable ingredients in our products that remove limescale but at the same time damage materials and equipment and have negative effects on our health and the environment. Instead, we rely on ingredients such as citric and lactic acid, whichof natural origin and biodegradableThanks to the effective formula, you can now remove limescale deposits in no time at all and without annoying residues. Another plus point: With the help ofthe practical colour indicatoryou know immediately when your descaler is used up. It couldn't be easier!


In the coffee machine:

1) Mix 125 ml of descaler (see measuring scale on the side of the bottle) with 500 ml of water in your water tank.

2) If your fully automatic coffee machine has a descaling program, please follow the individual steps and instructions provided by the manufacturer. // Alternatively, let the liquid flow through your machine and wait 5 - 10 minutes.

3) First rinse the water tank and then your machine with 1 - 2 tank fillings of clean water.

Wichtig: Causes serious eye irritation. Causes skin irritation. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if possible. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children.

Inhaltsstoffe: Water, food grade citric acid, lactic acid, corrosion inhibitor.

Tschüss Chemie. Hallo Sauberkeit, Lederpflege & Wohlbefinden.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Susanne H.
Tolles Produkt

Ich bin treue Emma Kundin ung habe vor kurzem nach einem Entkalker hier gesucht. Endlich fündig geworden!!!!!
Entkalkt super, mein Kaffee schmeckt wieder hervorragend . ;)


Limescale residue is an annoying evil that we all have had to deal with. It's not just the inside of the kettle that looks really unsightly after a while. Shower heads and bathroom and kitchen fittings also show annoying limescale residue during normal cleaning activities. But be careful: if you ignore limescale, a few tiny residues can turn into an annoying problem. Because quicker than we would like, a small evil turns into a major disaster that is difficult to get under control again. But how do limescale stains actually form and why do some people have fewer problems with limescale in the home than others? You can find out about this and what you can do about limescale in the following guide.


How do limescale deposits form?

Our drinking water contains a certain amount of magnesium and calcium salts. From this perspective, this is a positive thing. The human body needs minerals like these to stay healthy, just like the air we breathe.

The problem: When the water is heated, the substances are broken down and settle in the form of limescale deposits in electrical devices such as the kettle, coffee machine or shower head. Now, we don't have the same drinking water everywhere in Europe. This also explains the fact that some people have a bigger problem with limescale than others. The higher the concentration of the various minerals in the drinking water, the harder the water, which is associated with a greater problem with limescale deposits. Fortunately, as you will see later, you can do something about it with the right descaler and even take preventative measures.


Descaling the coffee machine: an important part of the care routine

If you use normal tap water for your coffee, you should descale your coffee machine particularly often. Modern fully automatic coffee machines even have a reminder function to remind you to do so. And that's a good thing. Because if your machine is not descaled for a long period of time, this not only has a negative effect on the aroma. The device also suffers from limescale deposits. This is noticeable in a reduced water flow, which reduces the capacity of the boiler. The end result: the water is no longer heated to the perfect temperature and blockages occur inside the machine.

The pump also has to work harder due to the reduced water flow, which it makes known with loud noises when brewing the delicious brew. If your coffee machine sends you signals like this, it's high time to grab the descaler and do something about the deposits. If you ignore this warning sign, your machine may sooner or later give up the ghost.


How do limescale deposits affect the taste of coffee?

Once limescale deposits have formed on the boiler of your coffee machine, the water can no longer be heated to the optimal brewing temperature. The result: your coffee is no longer at the perfect temperature, which of course affects the crema and aroma.

On top of that, tiny limescale particles are washed out of the machine over time. The highly concentrated minerals then find their way into your cup along with your coffee when it is brewed. It goes without saying that these also affect the taste.


Descaler for coffee machines: What is best for descaling?

Household remedies such as vinegar or vinegar essence are not suitable for descaling coffee machines. This is for the following reasons:

  1. Vinegar consists of water and acetic acid. This mixture is capable of removing light limescale residues. Unfortunately, this household remedy is ineffective when it comes to fats that get stuck in the machine when grinding coffee beans. For this reason, we recommend that you choose a natural descaler based on citric and lactic acid. This composition is perfect for removing all deposits from your machine.
  2. Vinegar has a strong smell of its own. In open spaces, the pungent smell usually disappears quickly. But things are different inside the coffee machine. That's where it settles, combines with the fats in the coffee bean and makes your morning pick-me-up undrinkable.
  3. The descaling process takes longer than with a high-quality descaler.

Important: You should avoid descaling agents that contain ingredients such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid or sulfamic acid! They are not only harmful to people and the environment. They also attack the inner workings of your machine. That's why you should always choose a sustainable descaler that does its job with natural ingredients such as lactic and citric acid. Products like these ensure effective limescale removal, do not attack the pipes and hoses of your machine, do not leave an unpleasant aftertaste and, last but not least, are also biodegradable.


Descaling kettles: home remedies that work!

It's not just coffee machines that need to be descaled routinely. Regular descaling also extends the life of kettles and gives them a better taste experience. Unlike fully automatic coffee machines, you can use three household remedies to descale your kettle in addition to a natural descaler. We're talking about vinegar, citric acid and aspirin. Here's how to do it:


Descale kettle with vinegar or vinegar essence

Vinegar and vinegar essence contain acid, which is known to break down limescale. For optimal results, mix normal vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:1 or add two tablespoons of vinegar essence to your kettle and fill it with a large cup of water. Then bring this mixture to the boil and allow the water-vinegar mixture to work for about half an hour after boiling. Once all the limescale has dissolved, rinse the appliance several times with clean water until the smell of the household remedy has completely disappeared.


Descale kettle with citric acid

Pure citric acid is available in liquid or powder form. For perfect results, fill your kettle with water, add three to four tablespoons of citric acid and stir everything together. But be careful: you must not boil the citric acid-water mixture! If you were to turn on your kettle and heat the mixture, calcium citrate would form, which would settle inside. The white coating is even more stubborn than limescale and is almost impossible to remove. So just let the mixture work for about an hour and then rinse the kettle with plenty of clean water until all residues are removed.


Descale kettle with aspirin

Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid and not only helps with headaches. Aspirin can also be used to remove limescale from kettles. To do this, dissolve a tablet in a glass of water, pour the solution into the kettle and turn it on to heat it up. Once it has boiled, let the mixture soak for half an hour and then rinse it out with clean water.

By the way: A natural descaler like the universal descaler from Emma Grün is suitable for descaling fully automatic coffee machines, all household appliances and for removing limescale residues throughout the home. This means: You only need one product, save money and do a good service for the environment. It doesn't get any better than this!