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Microfiber cloth, cleaning cloth set for fine cleaning and care

Your universal microfiber cloths! For streak-free shine, lint-free and highly absorbent.

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Volume advantages: 1 x microfiber cloth

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For streak-free shine

Against dust & streaks

For all surfaces

Das Problem

If you clean sensitive surfaces with the wrong tools, they can quickly become damaged. The final result is often not satisfactory when using conventional cleaning cloths. When cleaning reflective surfaces, such as windows or sensitive displays, the wrong cloth can quickly drive you crazy. Because you can't make any progress because aStreaksAnother problem with standard towels is that theydon't last very longand are no longer usable after just a few uses. On top of that, without the right equipment, the sensitive surfaces of TV screens, desktops, etc. can be irreversibly damage. That doesn't have to be the case!

Reuse instead of trash

Reusable and washable, suitable for all surfaces.

Good for the environment

The durable microfiber fabric ensures less waste and a long service life.

CO2-saving packaging

By using less packaging material, we can protect the environment together.

Unsere Lösung

Microfiber cloths are perfect for cleaning sensitive surfaces. This is due to theirstatic charge, which literally attracts dirt, grease and dust. Due to this property, you can even get rid of stubborn dirt without any problems and without leaving streaks. And the best thing is: you don't need any cleaning products when cleaning with a microfiber cloth. This fact is not only reflected in your account, but is also good for the environment. The microfiber cleaning cloths from Emma Grün containno microplastics, last almost forever, areabsorbent, do not lint and can be cleaned quickly after use thanks to the high-quality material.


Microfiber cloths are the first choice for many people when it comes to cleaning smooth surfaces. This is not surprising given their positive properties. With a microfiber cloth, dirty surfaces can be cleaned without any additional cleaning agents. And without much effort. On top of that, they are known for their extraordinary absorbency. If you choose a quality product, you can also benefit from a long lifespan of your microfiber cloth. But these are by no means all the advantages that microfiber cloths have. In the following guide, you will find out what these are and why you do not need separate cleaning agents.


Microfiber cleaning cloths: What makes them so special?

Microfiber cloths are, as the name suggests, made of microfibers. The thin fibers are finer than silk and are processed in a tight mesh during production to ensure perfect functionality. The considerable number of meshes means that the contact points between the cloth and the surface to be cleaned are many times higher than with a normal cotton cloth. The positive effect: surfaces can be cleaned more evenly, more quickly and without streaks.

Microfiber cloths also work wonders when it comes to removing dust. This is ensured by the countless cavities between the fibers, which attract lint like moths to a light. The good thing about this is that dirt and dust stick to the surface of the microfibers. This is precisely why dirt and dust don't stand a chance. The environmentally friendly cloths can be used dry or damp. This makes them the ultimate cleaning tool that everyone should have at home.


Microfiber cloths: Why do they clean without cleaning products?

Another advantage of microfiber cloths: You don't need any additional cleaning products. This positive effect is due to the statically charged fibers, which magnetically attract dust, dirt and even grease. Cleaning dirty surfaces without using a cleaning agent is ideal. This is not only good for your wallet, but also for the environment. The risk of respiratory diseases and allergies is also reduced by not using chemical cleaning agents.


Microfiber cloths: How do you use the dirt magnets correctly?

To increase the cleaning performance of microfiber cloths, you should wash them in warm water before using them for the first time. We have already clarified that you do not need any cleaning agents when cleaning with the miracle cloths. However, we have not yet explained the fact that cleaning agents increase the abrasive properties of the ultra-fine microfibers and thus provoke unsightly scratches on sensitive surfaces. So if you need to use a cleaner for very dirty surfaces despite the excellent functionality of the cloths, we recommend that you always choose a sustainable product and only use small quantities.


These surfaces are suitable for cleaning with microfiber cloths and these are not!

Due to their antistatic effect, microfiber cloths remove all types of dirt in no time. But be careful: not all surfaces can be cleaned with microfiber cloths without leaving tiny scratches. To avoid making a mistake, we don't want to keep you from knowing which surfaces benefit from cleaning with a microfiber cloth and which do not.


Microfiber cloth: cleaning windows

Cleaning window panes is child's play with microfiber cloths. Pollen that settles on the surface of the windows in spring or greasy residues from car exhaust fumes and kitchen residues can also be removed with a microfiber cloth without leaving any residue.


Microfiber cloth: clean glasses & screens

Generally speaking, you can clean all smooth surfaces with a microfiber cloth. The cloths can also be used to clean laptop displays, cell phones, tablets and sensitive TV screens. The same applies to glasses that are made of real glass and not plastic.

Caution: You should not clean the following surfaces with normal microfiber cloths:

  • High-gloss fronts
  • Precious metals such as silver or copper
  • soft plastic surfaces
  • Plastic lenses
  • Parquet floors and oiled wooden surfaces

Good tip: To achieve a lint- and streak-free result, you should always use several cloths for cleaning and dusting. Our offer, which already consists of three microfiber cloths, comes in handy here. Or is it?


Microfiber cloth: clean bathroom & kitchen

Even the surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen shine with new splendor with the help of microfiber cloths. Water stains on the fittings or shower walls, grease splashes on the ceramic hob or unsightly residues and streaks on shiny surfaces such as tiles are a thing of the past with these practical helpers.


Microfiber cloth: cleaning furniture

If dust has accumulated on your furniture, this is no problem for microfiber cloths. Due to their static properties, they magnetically attract dust without leaving behind lint. It is important that the cloths are always clean. Otherwise, even tiny particles of dirt could leave scratches on the sensitive surfaces of your furniture.


Microfiber cloth: car care

Smeared car windows, water spots on the paintwork or a dusty and dirty interior? A piece of cake for microfiber cloths. But as mentioned before: make sure they are freshly washed!


Washing a microfiber cloth: Here's how!

To ensure that microfiber cloths do not lose their cleaning power and do not leave unnecessary scratches on sensitive surfaces, they must be washed at regular intervals. Pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions. Every cloth requires different care. For example, you should always wash particularly fine ones that are suitable for cleaning glasses and painted surfaces by hand. If you throw them in the washing machine with the others, there is a risk that the fibers will be damaged and the cloth will be ruined.

Simple microfiber cloths can be washed at thirty degrees on a gentle cycle. However, to avoid damaging the delicate fibers, you should avoid spinning the machine too fast. The miracle cloths also react allergically to fabric softener. This is due to the silicones they contain. These are deposited on the fibers during washing and make the fabric hard and brittle. This causes microfiber cloths to lose their softness and absorbency.


Which detergent is suitable for microfibers?

Microfibers should always be washed with a mild detergent that is suitable for synthetic fibers. To prevent the towels from matting with other fibers, they should always be cleaned separately if possible. If this is not possible, you can also wash them together with your cotton towels in a washing bag for microfiber textiles. But remember: fabric softeners destroy the delicate microfibers in your towels. So keep your hands off!


That’s why microfiber cloths don’t belong in the dryer!

The cloths don't like heat at all. This is exactly why they shouldn't be put in the dryer. High temperatures damage the microfibers and increase fiber loss. Instead, we recommend that you let cleaning utensils like these air dry on the clothesline.


When should microfiber cloths be replaced?

The trade offers various qualities. High-quality cloths such as the microfiber cloths from Emma Grün have an unlimited lifespan and can be washed again and again. You don't have to worry about any compromises in terms of absorbency and cleaning power, even after frequent use.

The situation is different with cheap models, however. They quickly reach their limits and have to be replaced and disposed of after a short time due to their reduced water absorption capacity. Another problem: cheap cloths often contain microplastics, which are released into the outside world when the cloths are used and washed and harm the environment. This is precisely why you should pay attention to quality when buying. Of course, purchasing professional microfiber cloths is more expensive at first. In the long run, however, you save money and also do Mother Nature a good service.

Wichtig: Please test material compatibility on a hidden area before applying to a large area.

Inhaltsstoffe: High-quality microfiber

Tschüss Chemie. Hallo Sauberkeit, Lederpflege & Wohlbefinden.

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Simply use together with Emma Green products such as the display cleaner or the leather lotion.