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"Clean & Protected" Maxi Set with Leather Cleaner, Lotion & Leather Balm

The superstars of leather care! Our all-in-one set for maximum cleanliness and care.

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For maximum leather care

Against dirt & cracks

For all smooth leather types

Das Problem

Leather products such as furniture, car seats and clothing are exposed to dirt, stains and wear on a daily basis. Without regular care, they lose their shine, dry out and develop cracks. This results in an unkempt appearance and significantly shortens the life of the leather. Comprehensive cleaning and care are necessary to keep the leather in top condition.

Made in Germany

Made in a family-run factory in the Black Forest.

Good for the environment

Harmless ingredients without hazard symbols, easily biodegradable.

CO2-saving shipping

Short transport routes through local production and storage.

Unsere Lösung

Our set, consisting of the Emma Green leather cleaner, leather balm and leather lotion, offers the perfect solution. The leather cleaner thoroughly removes dirt and stains, the leather balm nourishes and protects the leather, while the leather lotion moisturizes and restores the natural shine. This keeps your leather products clean, well-maintained and long-lasting.


  1. Start with Emma Green Leather Cleaner: Spray it onto a soft cloth and wipe the leather surface thoroughly to remove dirt and stains.
  2. Let the leather dry.
  3. For large areas, apply Leather Lotion to moisturize and enhance shine.
  4. Then apply the leather balm evenly to hard-to-reach areas with a clean cloth and massage it in gently.
  5. Allow the lotion and balm to absorb.

Repeat application regularly for optimal protection and care.

Wichtig: Please test material compatibility on a hidden area before applying to a large area. Keep away from children.

Inhaltsstoffe: Reiniger: Nichtionische Tenside <5%, Duftstoffe, PHENOXYETHANOL, BENZISOTHIAZOLINONE; Lotion: Wollwachs, pflanzliche Tenside, hochwertiges Bienenwachs, Konservierungsstoffe; Balsam: Wollwachs, hochwertiges Bienenwachs, technisches Wachs, Parfum

Tschüss Chemie. Hallo Sauberkeit, Lederpflege & Wohlbefinden.

Bio-zertifiziert 🎉

Wir sind enorm stolz: Emma Grün ist für den Verkauf von Bio-Lebensmittel durch die Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH bio-zertifiziert (Kontrollstellen-Code: DE-ÖKO-007) Hier gibt's mehr dazu

Gründer aus Überzeugung

Geboren wurde Emma Grün aus dem Gedanken "Das muss doch nachhaltiger gehen..." und der Rückbesinnung auf alte Hausmittel wie Zuckertenside, ätherische Öle und Bienenwachs für Pflege und Reinigung.

Der Markenname steht für den Tante Emma Laden mit den ehrlichen Produkten am Eck. Emma Grün ist dabei das Pseudonym für Louis' Oma, die sinnbildlich für unser aller Omas steht, aber namentlich nicht "da irgendwo im Internet" auftauchen will. Ihr markanter Kopf ist trotzdem überall durch unser Logo.😉💚

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alles dabei

gerne wieder, tolle Produkte, die ich schon kannte


Cleaning & caring for a leather jacket: What you should pay attention to!

We all love them and have at least one in our wardrobe: the leather jacket. This affinity is not surprising. Leather jackets are robust and can be combined with a wide variety of clothing items. In addition, these trendsetters are stylish and never go out of fashion. It is good to know that with the right treatment they can last for decades and, in short, stick with their owner through thick and thin. The following tips reflect what you need to pay attention to when cleaning and caring for your favorite item of clothing and which household remedies andsustainable care productsshould not be missing under any circumstances.


Attention: Not all leather is the same!

Do you own a leather jacket made of smooth leather, suede or rough leather? This is exactly what you need to clarify first. Because every type of leather has different care needs! If you have a suede jacket hanging in your closet, then let me tell you: you should be particularly careful with this sensitive material. Because with jackets like these, you can easily make a mistake when caring for them. The result is often a visual disaster that you can no longer undo. But don't worry: with the following tips, you'll be on the safe side and will definitely get your good piece clean again.


Cleaning a suede leather jacket

Suede is one of the open-pored types of leather. It has the negative property that it absorbs liquid immediately. This often results in unsightly stains and discoloration. The feel of the material also suffers. The same applies to aniline leather, which has a smooth surface but, like suede, has open pores. Neither type of leather can benefit from a protective seal. This is precisely why you should be particularly careful when cleaning and caring for both materials. Follow the following tips and nothing will happen:

Tip 1:Suede reacts negatively to damp cleaning. That's why we recommend that you first treat the material with a dry cleaner using a soft natural wooden brush. In most cases, you can then remove light dirt.

Tip 2:You should always remove wet stains immediately. Kitchen paper is particularly good for absorbing liquid. Simply soak up the liquid by dabbing gently and never rub the stain back and forth. Otherwise you will only make it worse!

Tip 3:Annoying stains on suede can also be removed with a little baby powder or baking powder. Due to their absorbent properties, these two household remedies have already proven themselves in practice. They are particularly suitable for light suede. But here too, test the natural stain remover first on an area that is invisible to the eye.

Tip 4:To protect your suede jacket from external influences, you should waterproof it regularly. The best way to do this is to use asustainable waterproofing spraythat is free of harmful ingredients and aerosols. This way you protect your favorite jacket from moisture and dirt that could penetrate the open-pored natural material without a protective shield and leave behind visual blemishes. And the icing on the cake: You are acting in a future-oriented manner, as you are doing Mother Nature a great favor at the same time.


Cleaning a smooth leather jacket

Smooth leather is far less sensitive than suede. This makes cleaning much easier. Of course, you should react immediately if an unsightly stain appears on your smooth leather jacket.regular care unitsshould not be neglected. Because just like suede, smooth leather is a natural material that needs sufficient moisture to maintain its beautiful appearance and unique feel. Here's how to do it:

  • Smooth leather also needs to be cleaned regularly. Soft natural bristles are ideal for removing light dirt. In contrast to suede, you can also tackle dirt on smooth leather with a damp cloth or a sustainable leather cleaner. Make sure that you also remove any dust residue that tends to stick to the seams.
  • Wet stains on smooth leather are best removed when they have just happened. Use a piece of kitchen paper or a soft cloth. Smooth leather is not as sensitive as suede and liquids do not have the same chance of penetrating deeply into the material. Nevertheless, they can leave behind stains that will annoy you black and blue later on.
  • Coarse dirt in the form of stubborn stains can be easily removed with a household remedy that everyone has at home: raw potatoes. Simply cut them in half and work on the stain from the outside in. Once the starch in the potato has dried, you can remove all residue using a brush with soft natural bristles.
  • Sustainable leather cleanersare the ultimate solution for removing dirt from leather. They work with environmentally friendly ingredients such as sugar surfactants and do a really great job. They are also versatile and easy to use. For a perfect result, work the natural-based leather cleaner into the leather using a soft sponge or natural brush in circular movements. Then treat with distilled water and you're done.

Did you know that many sustainable leather cleaners not only effectively remove dirt, but also provide your leather textiles with a good dose of care? Try it out: It's worth it!


Can you wash leather jackets in the washing machine?

Although some leather textiles are suitable for washing and are labelled accordingly, you should think twice and completely forget about it with sensitive types of leather such as velour, aniline or suede. According to the various manufacturers, coarser types of leather such as smooth leather should be able to withstand this procedure a few times a year without any problems. But be careful: the material and the seams can suffer irreversible damage when washed in the machine. This can be caused by temperatures that are too high or the wrong detergent. Unsightly washouts are often the result. Whether the leather has the same pleasant feel after the wash cycle as before is also a legitimate question. Because once the top protective layer of the natural leather has been damaged, it cannot be repaired. For this reason, we advise against washing leather in the washing machine.